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ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Ty nejlepší a nejzábavnější hry pro Pocket PC
Mobil Čumil Plus
HTC Wizard
27. 06. 2008 13:34
03. 11. 2008 12:49
Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština
tak broken sword 1 mi nejde nevim proc ale nefacha mi ale zbytek mi jde a ted sem objevila i kirandii tak ji sem pak nahodim.Teda se o to pokusim. :D
Mobil Čumil Plus
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Saumsung Galaxy S II (WVGA)
23. 08. 2008 17:12
03. 11. 2008 17:59

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Melo, Broken sword na tom jede, zkus to znova, pokud ti to padl odo oka (^^,)
Rendolfe, Tady to mas (^^,)

The Legend of Kyrandia
Popis: In this game you play the role of Brandon, grandson of Kallak - a wizard of the realm of Kyrandia. Malcolm, a psychotic jester imprisoned in the past by Kallak, has broken free and wishes to take over the land as well as lay down his revenge on Kallak. He then turns Kallak into stone leaving him with only his eyes, so that Kallak is not denied his tears for Kyrandia's sake.

This is where Brandon steps in; returning home shortly afterwards only to find that his grandfather has been turned into stone, Brandon is being told by a messenger from the Realm of the Land that he has been chosen to embark on a journey that will rid this realm of Malcolm and his evil.
Download a Instalace: stahnete si *.zip soubor. Rozbalte na kartu (kamkoliv) Spuste ScummVM. Vyberde tlačítko add. Zepta se vas to jestl ichcete udelat full scan, dejta yes. Hra by se pote mela objevit v nabidce. Oznacte ji a kliknete na start.

Kód: Vybrat vše

Čeština: Stahnete si *.zip soubor, ktery rozbalite do adresare s hrou, kde prepisete puvodni soubory. Pote postupujete podle instalace hry.

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Naposledy upravil(a) KowboyBebop dne 24. 01. 2009 23:23, celkem upraveno 2 x.
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Saumsung Galaxy S II / i9100 // 8GB microSD class6 // ROM: GalnetMIUI Stable
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Asus MyPal A639 (QVGA 320x240); DaPeng A9320+ (800x480)
20. 08. 2007 08:01
03. 11. 2008 18:10

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Broken Sword II

V této úchvatné a milé, navíc velmi dobře hratelné adventuře zažijete mnohá dobrodružství někdy až s překvapivými zápletkami a neobvyklými kombinacemi. Budete také řešit tajemná puzzle. Ocitnete se dokonce až v džungli, abyste se nakonec přes Londýn prokousali až na konec hry.

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Heslo: KeepItOnTheDeeLoW

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Mobil Plus User
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Saumsung Galaxy S II (WVGA)
23. 08. 2008 17:12
03. 11. 2008 18:28

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

jj u takovych postu klidne vynech popis a screeny. Stejne to nebude moc lidi stahovat, a ty co to stahovat budou, to hledali a vedi co to je. (^^,) Jinak docela se nam to tu rozrusta, po tom co sme sem zacli hazet ceske adventury. Samozrejme, kazdy sem muze hodit svoji hru, kdyz udrzi nejaky ten standart.
New All-in-1 Pack
Saumsung Galaxy S II / i9100 // 8GB microSD class6 // ROM: GalnetMIUI Stable
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HolyShit! It's BeefSupreme!

Mobil Member User
Mobil Čumil Plus
HTC Wizard
27. 06. 2008 13:34
04. 11. 2008 16:24

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

TAK A UZ MAM NERVY TAK MI NEJDE ANI SIMON 1 A NEJDE MI KYRANDIE.Normalne jsem udelala vse jak mam a program mi je proste nenajde ani jednu z nich.S oslima ostrovama problem nemam vubec a tady s tema hrama ju.Pomozte lidi.Dokonce sem udelala i hard reset a nic.Predem dik :? :?
Mobil Čumil Plus
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Saumsung Galaxy S II (WVGA)
23. 08. 2008 17:12
04. 11. 2008 18:18

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Wow, Az je mi te lito =/
Nejsem na to expert a asi nereknu nic super technicke, co by opravdu pomohlo. Jedinej duvod co me napada (kterej je jasnej, a nemysli mze je to tvuj pripad) je umisteni. Vsechny slozky tech her bys mela mit v jedny slozce (Dejme tomu Storage Card/Progrram Files/ScummHry/) a v tom slozky her napr Tentacle(Storage Card/Progrram Files/ScummHry/tentacle). V scummVM pak vjedes do Storage Card/Progrram Files a oznacis slozku ScummHry a Das Choose. A najde ti to kazdou hru v kazdy slozce pod slozkou ScummHry. Asi sem neporadil vid? Zkus sem pridat podrobnejsi informace o problemu, kde jsi, kde se to zaseklo, co uz si udelala, co udelat chces.

Jinak Kdyby nekdo chtel nejakou hru, Ktera se nachazi na

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Tak pisknete, pokusime se ji najit a publikovat (^^,)

// EDIT: Ups... tak to vypada ze ti to nejde z jednoducheho duvodu, protoze to nejde nikomu (pokud to nekomu de at to sem napise). Opet rikam predem, ze nereknu nic vedeckyho ani chytryho, a nikomu to asi ani nepomuze, ale nekdo by to rict mel. Podle me, Jde nainstalovat cestina jen do tech her, kde tim neovlivnite herni mechanismus. Preci jen ScummVM funguje na reverse-engineringu DOSovych her. Pokud ovlivnime jen nejake texty, ktere jsou mimo hlavni program a nacitaji se, hra bude fungovat. Pokud ale narusime nejak hlavni program, ScummVM tu hru nepozna a nebude s ni kompatibilni. Huh na to ze jsem na technicke skole je to az moc jednoduchy co?
A tak trochu technickejch anglickejch textu zahrnu do sveho vysvetleni, aby se technici nenudili (^^,)

Kód: Vybrat vše

 Where does ScummVM fit in?

ScummVM is a project in which there is an attempt to rewrite the original executable file of a given game, based on the game's original source code or by using reverse engineering techniques to see the code that's contained in the game's executable and rewrite it in C++. This means that ScummVM's executable can be used to replace the game's original one, but of course the game's data files (graphics, audio, game scripts etc) are needed to play the game itself. Therefore, ScummVM is NOT an emulator of a specific operating system, as, for example, DOSBox is for DOS. ScummVM is actually a full rewrite of each game's engine, which has many advantages: 
A jelikoz je Tady o ceske adventurky zajem, a urcite bude zajem i o dalsi ceske hry, tak se podivam trosku bliz na DOSBox, a pokud to na neco bude lepsi, tak udelam nove tema.

//Edit2: Mno lidi, cas zacit se ucit anglicky. Vyzkousel sem DOSBox. Po otresnych 40minutach hrani si s prikazy v dosu, na miniaturni klavesnici s posuvnym ovladani (vyzkousejte to, je to o nervy) sem konecne spustil Day of The Tentacle (moje oblibena hra, testoval sem). Kurzor, je opravdu jako u mysi, je relativni, ne absolutni. takze musite stylusem po displayi jezdit, misto klikani. Jinak Hra jela s krasnym 1-3FPS pri 8Frame Skip bylo CPU load 96%. Totalne Nehratelne. Jeste dodavam ze vlastnim HTC Touch Pro, takze v hardwaru chybka nebude.
New All-in-1 Pack
Saumsung Galaxy S II / i9100 // 8GB microSD class6 // ROM: GalnetMIUI Stable
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HolyShit! It's BeefSupreme!

Mobil Member User
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Asus MyPal A639 (QVGA 320x240); DaPeng A9320+ (800x480)
20. 08. 2007 08:01
04. 11. 2008 21:18

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Indiana Jones 4 and the Fate of Atlantis CZ

Zvláštností této hry je, že z úvodní animace se do samotného začátku hry musíte přenést vlastním přičiněním, což znamená provést řadu adekvátních úkonů. Teprve potom se ocitnete v divadle, odkud se vydáte na Island, odtud na Tikal do džungle. Vrátíte se zpět na Tikal, odkud napochodujete na Azory, dále pak na Barnett College. Ocitnete se v Alžíru, potom v Monte Carlu. Poletíte i v balónu, dorazíte na zakázané naleziště. Budete se pohybovat i po Krétě, plavit se budete i v ponorce. Kde budete ještě? Podívejte se sami. :D



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http://uloz.to/913857/Indiana Jones - The Fate of Atlantis.zip
Adventura je již počeštěna !!!
Naposledy upravil(a) Rendolf dne 06. 11. 2008 16:37, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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05. 05. 2008 13:49
04. 11. 2008 22:48

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Jak se ten Indiana Jones 4 and the Fate of Atlantis rozbaluje? kdyz to stahnu a rozbalim tak je z toho 5 souboru s koncovkama : *.000, *.001, *.c99, *.s01 a *.s00 a jeden bez koncovky.
HTC Kaiser WM 6.1 + 4GB SDHC-->Samsung Galaxy S + SDHC 8GB + ROOT :-)
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Saumsung Galaxy S II (WVGA)
23. 08. 2008 17:12
05. 11. 2008 15:42

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Mno logika spravna MEJO, ale tak to asi nepujde, technicky je to totiz pekna blbost. Nemuzes nahrat jen pulku programu a myslet si ze pulka okna bude dobra a druha bude jen bili misto). Jinak Goblins? podivam se po nich. Kolem Paty budu mit vic casu a Hodim je sem. Jeste nejaka Prani? A ne ze me Predbehnes Rendolfe (^^,)
New All-in-1 Pack
Saumsung Galaxy S II / i9100 // 8GB microSD class6 // ROM: GalnetMIUI Stable
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HolyShit! It's BeefSupreme!

Mobil Member User
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Mobil Member User
Saumsung Galaxy S II (WVGA)
23. 08. 2008 17:12
05. 11. 2008 17:35

Re: ScummVM 0.10 M-DOS emulator + hry + Čeština

Ok, Tady to je. Co se tyke cestin, tak jsem po dlouhem hledani zklamal : / Jsou to stare hry, cestiny bud uz nejsou, nebo se s nimi nikdo v te dobe neobtezoval a dnes uz to nikdo dodelavat nebude. Kdyby nekdo mel cestiny, tak mi sem napiste a ja je pridam.

Gobliiins 1

Popis: In the original 1991 game, the player controls a team of 3 different goblins, all with a unique skill. The first goblin, BoBo, is a warrior who is more brawn than brain, and whose skill is punching, causing various things to break or fall over. The second goblin, Hooter, is a magician who can 'zap' things with magic with a wide variety of usually unexpected effects, which include objects moving, growing, or becoming alive. The third goblin, Dwayne, is a technician (sometimes considered a "thief" by role-playing game fans), and is the only one that can pick up and use items, his only skill.

Several wrong actions harm the gobliiin involved, including leaving them in an unsafe place, using incorrect items, or interacting with items with the wrong characters, thus reducing their shared life meter. When the meter runs out, the game ends in defeat. However, all screens can be completed without loss of life. The game includes a saving system using codes, which depended on the screen finished and the amount of health left.
Obrázek Obrázek
Download a Instrukce: stahnete si *.zip soubor. Rozbalte na kartu (kamkoliv) Spuste ScummVM. Vyberde tlačítko add. Zepta se vas to jestl ichcete udelat full scan, dejta yes. Hra by se pote mela objevit v nabidce. Oznacte ji a kliknete na start.

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Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon

Popis: In 1992's Gobliins 2, the player controls 2 characters: Fingus (who is well-mannered, intelligent and shy) and Winkle (who is dumb enough to not know how to push a button in the first screen, but who is almost terminally brave). They've been sent to rescue the King's son, the Prince Buffoon, whose been kidnapped by the evil Amoniak. Both gobliins can pick up and use items, and both generally use an item in different ways. Unlike its predecessor, Gobliins 2 allows (and requires) the player to travel back and forth between rooms. Also, both gobliins can be given an order simultaneously, allowing for devious timing puzzles. An easter egg in the game is that Fingus, if left idle, will eventually whistle a short tune, and the tune is different in each room.
Obrázek Obrázek
Download a Instrukce: stahnete si *.zip soubor. Rozbalte na kartu (kamkoliv) Spuste ScummVM. Vyberde tlačítko add. Zepta se vas to jestl ichcete udelat full scan, dejta yes. Hra by se pote mela objevit v nabidce. Oznacte ji a kliknete na start.

Kód: Vybrat vše


Goblins Quest 3

Popis: 1993's Goblins Quest 3 was originally known as just Goblins 3, but after Sierra got involved they decided to add their well-known Quest suffix as an attempt to fit the game with their other Quest series. In this game the player controls originally only 1 Goblin called Blount, but gets assistance from a number of sidekicks throughout the game including Chump the parrot, Ooya the magician, and Fulbert the snake. Blount is also bitten by a wolf early in the game and after escaping from the afterlife must contend with semi-frequent changes into a super-strong but uncouth werewolf alter ego. Most areas in Goblins 3 are larger than the screen and thus scroll. After completing the game, you'll find out that Blount is in fact the Prince Buffoon, that was kidnapped in Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon. In total, the game features 18 different levels, and much like Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon, some are interconnected to each other like walking from the countryside to the inn, while others simply can't be exited until you've finished that specific level.

Obrázek Obrázek
Download a Instrukce: stahnete si *.zip soubor. Rozbalte na kartu (kamkoliv) Spuste ScummVM. Vyberde tlačítko add. Zepta se vas to jestl ichcete udelat full scan, dejta yes. Hra by se pote mela objevit v nabidce. Oznacte ji a kliknete na start.

Kód: Vybrat vše

Naposledy upravil(a) KowboyBebop dne 24. 01. 2009 23:31, celkem upraveno 2 x.
New All-in-1 Pack
Saumsung Galaxy S II / i9100 // 8GB microSD class6 // ROM: GalnetMIUI Stable
FPSeCE Download | FPSeCE Complete How To Guide | FPSeCE Compability list
HolyShit! It's BeefSupreme!

Mobil Member User
96 příspěvků